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  1. Hello

    Thanks for linking to us.

    Delighted to be able to tell you that our Mayfield Mass has now been approved by the Department for Christian Life and Worship of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. You can find the latest version at

    We continue to post the psalm settings week by week. The next Sunday's is on the front page, but we try to keep two or three weeks ahead. Guitar chords we are still working on (sorting out the software), but it shouldn't be long now.

    Best wishes

    Kate Keefe

  2. Hi LiturgyTools

    Many thanks for your links to us - we regularly get referrals from that, and I hope people are enjoying the music.

    I just noticed that there is a small typo in the Ref to the Psalm for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A you kindly posted a while back. The correct link is:

    I have fixed it with a 302 but if you have a moment to tidy up some time, we'd be grateful.

    best wishes

    MusicforMass Webmaster

  3. Hi - thanks for the typo-info, I'll fix that now. I was delighted to find your site and to be able to link to singable psalm settings.

    Mary - Editor

  4. I love to use your pictures for our Church bulletin. The only problem I have is I am usually a week ahead of what you are showing. I am working now on our April 3 bulletin and you not showing your pictures. I just thought I would mention this in case other Churches have the same problem. Thank you for all you do.

    1. Many thanks for the feedback. I'm afaid I did get a little behind in the leadup to Easter: I've just published pictures for 3 April, and hope to do them for 10 April tomorrow. Ideally I'll try to get even further ahead, to help you know that what you need will be available.

  5. Thank you for this site!
    I am new to pastoral work and, not only am I finding all of you resources helpful, I am learning.
    God bless you and this work.

  6. Hello again. Just wanted to let you know that we've redesigned our front page at to make it easier to refine your search to psalms and alleluias just for the country you are in, as it was getting a bit unwieldy now that we are doing four different versions (UK, US, Canada and Australia/New Zealand). We think all the links are working and would be very glad to hear if any of them aren't!
    Thank you so much for continuing to link to us -- we really appreciate it and we know some of our traffic comes through you.
    Best wishes and keep singing!
    Kate Keefe, @singenbingen

  7. I find this sight very useful when looking for hymns to be sung at Mass by our Music Group. We normally look ahead two weeks but last week I noted that the site wont open for 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A which is on 2nd July 2017
    Can you provide an explanation please?

    1. Hi John, I'm glad you find the material here is useful.

      I'm afraid that this is a one-person effort, and is done alongside my day job, and the work I do with my parish's music team. This is my 2nd time through the liturgical year so most of the hymn-suggestions pages for 2017 were originally set up in 2014. But because of how the calendar worked in that year, I didn't need to do the 13th Sunday in OT, and time-constraints meant that I only got it finished last night. I'm sorry that this was later than usual - but work on my day-job does have to come first, unfortunately.

  8. Thanks for your reply and explanation. I hadn't realised that it's a one-person effort. Well done for all you do.
    Apologies for my delayed reply. I've been away and not had access to my emails.

  9. I just stumbled across your site, and I found it very useful. I see you haven't done the hymns for the 31st and 32nd Sundaysin Ordinary Time -- probably, because, like me, you looked back 3 years, and we had special feasts which took the place of those feasts. I see from your notes that you are a one-person operation, and so I wonder if, since I'm working on my hymns, you would welcome some suggestions for those dates (since I'm already at it).

    Carol, choir director in Pennsylvania

    1. Hi Carol - glad you've found it useful.

      Yes, you're quite right about why 31OT and 32 OT aren't done yet. I'd would love to hear your suggestions for them - maybe email them to me at ? I've got some free time this week, so it might be good if I skip ahead and work on those weeks now.


  10. I found this site very helpful last year when planning our music. This year however is different. There used to be a search bar to locate current and future dates to plan. I was able to plan at least 3 masses ahead. Do you have plans on bringing back the search bar? If the hymns would be the same from 3 years ago Cycles) I'd like to be able to look those up to guide me for planning the current cycle.


    1. Hi Laurie, thanks for the feedback.

      I did have a customised search tool, but found that it wasn't working nicely with the Hymn Finder tool (which I used a lot myself in researching things). So I took it off.

      I've added back a general search tool (top of the right hand side) for now, and will see if I can find a way to make the custom search work better.

      If you don't like the general search tool, then another option is to use a regular google search with a site-restriction - so use Google and look for

      "words you are searching for"

      This usually gives search results which are more like the custom search used to.

      Hope this helps a bit.

  11. I am trying to find notation for the Pater Noster in ICEL translation. The link at your page is not working. Can you provide it for me, preferably in pdf form? Or help me find it? Thanks so much, - Ann

    1. Hi Ann, I've been trying to find the link that isn't working, but just cannot locate it. I was able to download all the files from here successfully. Is this where you meant, or is there another broken link somewhere?

  12. Thank you for your wonderful website. About 12 years ago my wife was pregnant with twins. I looked for a baptism song and could not find one that would have the spirit and emotion that I felt new parents were looking for. I wrote The Baptism song, It was approved for use by the Baltimore Bishops office. They loved it. It was sung at our baptism ceremonies at the river. Now, my 11 year old daughter and I turn it into a children's book for parents to use as a lesson, and lullaby for their children. I sing it to my children every night. Please let me know what you think and I can send you a copy if you provide me with your mailing address. - Thanks Dennis

    1. Hi - thanks for the information. I've added your song to the list of hymn suggestions for Baptisms (

  13. Hi,

    Thank you so much for this site. I use your material a lot for our Church.

    May God bless you more!

  14. Hi there. I am hoping you might be interested in my website which contains all my songs, which are are free to download, as well as the accompanying resources, including my 'Song of Mercy' which you kindly featured here on your listed resources for the Year of Mercy.

    It is at

    Many thanks and God Bless,

    Andy Severyn

  15. I love this site and regularly use it. I want to alert you to an error for 31st Sunday - Year A is still listed as Nov 5, 2017.

    1. Hi Nancy, thanks for commenting. In 2020, we don't actually have the 31st Ordinary Time, because All Saints Day falls on a Sunday. Next week, we just jump straights to the 32nd OT.

  16. I saw a video of Marj Snyder singing "I am the Light of the World". Can we stream the video in our Sunday service?. We have a CCLI license. thanks

  17. Thank you for this valuable resource.
    Typo on March 28 2021 - Not Mark 26:14 - 27:66 (which doesn't exists).
    Maybe Matthew or Mark 14:1-15:47?
    Thank you again.

  18. New military hymn released for Veterans Day
    A new Army-focused hymn has been released for free nonprofit use in time for upcoming Veterans Day observances: “Ever Faithful to the Call,” composed by Tom Lough. Veterans Day ceremonies and services for veterans typically feature songs from other military branches, but this free hymn honors the soldiers of the Army.
    “I have longed for a hymn about our soldiers for many years,” said Lough, 79, an Army veteran and church music composer living in Round Rock, Texas, “because there was nothing for them. Now, through the new hymn, “Ever Faithful to the Call,” an overdue musical recognition can be included for this coming Veterans Day.”
    Free sheet music for the easy-to-sing hymn can be downloaded at, along with a license for nonprofit use. Program planners are invited to include the hymn in their Veterans Day events.
    For inspiration in developing the hymn honoring Army soldiers, Lough turned to chaplains, veterans, family members, and church music professionals for their ideas and reflections. He also connected the hymn to the Army core values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage.
    Please include this hymn listing in your Veterans Day resources. Thank you.

  19. We find your site extremely useful and regularly draw down pictures for use in our church bulletin. We recently had an copyright issue with a picture that was provided to us from elsewhere and this has made our Priests very nervous about ensuring that material we use is free and can be reproduced without incurring royalty costs. I have been asked to seek an assurance from you that this is the case with the pictures you provide. I would be grateful if you could confirm this is the case. Sorry to have troubled you as I know you are extremely busy. Many thanks.

    1. Hi - you are the second person with a similar issue recently.

      Unfortunately I cannot offer any assurances: I do the best I can, but there are just too many factors for me to offer guarantees. I've written more about this, and what you can do in this article.

  20. I would like to let all your patrons know that I recently published a book of hymns to St. Joseph. It is called - A Collection of Catholic Devotional Hymns to St. Joseph. It contains 14 of the most widely used hymns to St. Joseph from the late 19th and early 20th century. All the hymns are in the public domain. My book is available by visiting my website or by visiting Amazon directly at Sincerely, Don Howe

    1. Thanks Don, it looks like an excellent book. I've been running an advert for it off-and-on since I spotted it earlier in the year - I just switched it on again in the top of the right side-bar on this site. I'll show it for a few days.

  21. Hello Wonderful staff,

    In the hymns and themes for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary time (Feb. 20,2022) you make the statement:
    Second: I Corinthians 15:45-49 - We who have been modelled on the earthly man will be modelled on the heavenly man.

    The word 'modelled' should be spelled 'modeled' here in the 'U.S.'

    Nancy Krebs <><

    1. Hi Nancy, thanks for commenting. About half of the visitors from this website are from the USA - and half aren't. Which leads to some interesting questions about what spelling to use in certain words. I usually go with the UK spelling, because I grew up in a country where it is used.

  22. For some reason, I am unable to access any 2023 readings, information at all. Any advice please on how to do so?

  23. Thank you for including "Ever Faithful to the Call" in your Veterans Day music resources. We have received a number of emails that expressed appreciation for your listing. Many are suggesting this hymn as a companion to the Navy hymn, "Eternal Father, Strong to Save." Others are nicknaming it as "The Soldiers' Hymn." We hope that it continues to be a blessing in worship and a fitting tribute to those who have served. Thank you.

  24. In the Hymns section there are no hymns listed in year A for the Sundays after Easter. This is Year A in 2023. Thanks

  25. Hello, I wish to thank you for this tremendous resource. I am the bulletin editor for my small parish in the USA, and my first stop for a cover image is always this website. I would like to make a small contribution to help defray the costs of running this website. Do you have a means for me to do that?

    1. Hello Jay - and thank you so much for your kind offer, which rather took me by surprise.
      I don't have a way to accept donations. The site has advertising on from Google (who provide hosting), and this currently pays the expenses. I do worry that it may be too obtrusive - but it provides a very simple solution to the problem, and lets me focus on developing resources not managing cash
      Can I suggest that you identify a church musician in your local area (or perhaps a neighboring one) who is struggling and share something useful with them, as an act of thanks for this website. I started it in the spirit of sharing the resources I had made anyway, and continue to be surprised and delighted that they are so widely used. It really is a blessing to have been able to assist people who are working in small parishes with limited resources.

    2. Thank you for this information and for your suggestion about supporting a local musician. I will look into this.

      I really appreciate this site (every single week!) and am glad for you that it is self-supporting.

  26. Hi there - would you have an updated link to your Mass planning sheet? It looks like a fantastic resource but clicking on it results in a no show:

    Thank you for the amazing work on this site by the way!

    1. Hi - thank you so much for your comment: I had totally missed that many of the templates on this website were put onto Google Sites when I set them up, and that these links are no longer working.

      I've just fixed the three most-popular ones, including the Mass-planning sheet, and will do the other 47 (!) over time.

      I'm so glad that you find the site useful.

  27. May I share new mass songs coming from Australia, composed by Erwin Cabucos: New Gathering Hymn - Walk with Christ, Offertory - Our Holy Offering, Communion - In the Blessed Sacrament, Thanksgiving - We Thank You Lord, Reflection - Grant Us Courage, Send-forth - Let's Go Therefore, Send-forth - We are Sent Forth, On Laudato Si and Communion - Cry of the Earth, Communion - I Can Do All Things Through You His music sheet is available from Sheet Music Plus and One License. All his hymns are catalogued by One License and CCLI. Happy Singing.


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