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Hymns about the baptism of Jesus

This is a selection of hymns and songs about Jesus' baptism in the River Jordan, by John the Baptist.

It does not include hymns about topics which could be implied from this, only ones that are specifically about it, in at least one verse.

The list is grouped into:
  • Free-use: copyright has expired, or the author has allowed them to be freely used)
  • Still subject to copyright and so can only be used if you are covered by a copyright license.

Both children's and adults hymns / songs are included in each list - because except for the youngest of children, it is is hard to draw make a distinction between them.

About the baptism of Jesus

Jesus' baptism is described three passages of scripture:
  • Matthew 3: 13-17
  • Mark 1:4-11 
  • Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 
The events described in each one are similar:   John is baptising and teaching that someone greater than him is coming.  After he baptises Jesus the Spirit descends like a dove, and God proclaims "You are my Son, the Beloved, my favour rests on you".

The Gospel of John does not include the baptism of Jesus, but says that the place where it happened, Bethany Beyond the Jordan, is where Jesus public ministry started.

Image source - CC0