Many are free-to-use (ie public domain or copyright-free) meaning the words can be copied and sung to at least one tune with no concerns about copyright or performance licensing - sometimes in a limited setting. Many of these hymns are old / traditional - but where possible a variety of styles and genres are included.
A small selection of hymns that are still copyright may also be included, if these are particularly appropriate.
Suggestions about hymns that could be included are welcome: leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.
First: Genesis 2: 7-9, 3:1-9 - God fashioned man from dust, breathed life into him and placed him.into the garden of Eden. The serpent tempted the woman with the gift of knowledgePsalm 50 - Have mercy on us O Lord, for we have sinned /Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness / My offences truly I know them / A pure heart create for me O God / Give me again the joy of your help.
Second: I Romans 5: 12-19 - Sn existed in the world long before the Law was given ... divine grace coming through the one man, Jesus Christ, cane to many as an abundant free gift..
Gospel: Matthew 4:1-11 - Jesus fasted for forty days and nights in the desert, where he was tempted by the devil.
Christ the new Adam and source of salvation for the worldFree-use art

Free-use hymns
Adam our Father and our HeadAll Hail the Power of Jesus Name
All Mankind Fell in Adam's Fall
Amazing Grace
Christ is Made the Sure Foundation
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
Forty Days and Forty Nights
Hear our Entreaties Lord
Lead us Heavenly Father Lead Us
Lord Jesus Think on Me
Lord Who Throughout These Forty Days
O Jesus I have Promised
O Merciful Redeemer
Praise to the Holiest in the Heights (esp 2nd verse)
Psalm 50 - Music for Mass setting
Sunday Psalm setting
OR any of the hymns for the season of Lent
Hymns which may still be copyright
Blest be the Lord - Schutte
Beyond the Days
Freely Freely - Owens
Led by the Spirit of our God - Hurd
Lift High the Cross
Living Lord - Appleford
Praise to You O Christ our Saviour - Farrell
Beyond the Days
Freely Freely - Owens
Led by the Spirit of our God - Hurd
Lift High the Cross
Praise to You O Christ our Saviour - Farrell
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