New English-language version of the Catholic Mass (Third Edition of the Roman Missal)

The Vatican has approved a new English translation of the Roman Catholic Mass for use in the US.

There is no change to Novus Ordo (the Mass format introduced after Vatican II, which is in Latin) - just to the English-language translation of it.

Technically the new translation is called the English text of the Third Edition of The Roman Missal.   It has been worked on by
  • Bishops from ICEL - the International Commission on English in the Liturgy
  • Bishops from English-speaking countries and areas 
  • Members of the Roman Missal Editorial Committee (ie staff from the Vatican)
helped by ICEL staff, translators and consultants and Vatican departments.

ICEL has made 'Become One Body, One Spirit, in Christ', a DVD to help the bishops to teach people about the new translation and prepare to start using it. (The website has information about the DVD, not the disc itself.)

Local Bishop's Conferences (ie the Catholic bishops in an area/country, acting together) and the Vatican still need to decide when to publish the new Roman Missal and to ask their priests to start using it.

However ICEL staff will now make official computer-files to help the Bishops to share the new words with people and organisations who need them now (eg composers, music publishers) so they can get ready for using them.

There hasn't been official approval for the new version for other counties - yet - but this is expected soon.


United States Catholic Bishops Conference (USCCB)


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