Planning template for an Anglican Communion Service - Order Two

This form is for organizing a church service for which the "form of service" is a communion service from the Anglican  Common Worship, Order Two.

It is in the English language, and lists the major items of this service.

There is space for writing the specific prayers, hymns and readings - and who is doing them, in what key, etc.  It is deliberately set out on one-page, to provide a quick overview of the format and structure of the service.

This template is not suitable for special events like baptisms, wedding and funerals, which have additional features - but it could be adapted for this if desired.

Download the form by right-clicking on the format you prefer (MS Word or PDF), and saving the file that opens onto your computer.


How to use the template

Save the file
Click on the picture of the format you want to use, and save or print the file that opens.

Fill in the background details
  • Date and time
  • Liturgical focus (usually based on the readings of the day and the feast or season)
  • Pastoral focus (any local or personal events that are relevant to the people who will be attending, and which you want to acknowledge in your planning)

Fill in the service details
  • Decide what items are included, and in what order:
    The "question-mark" column on the left can be used in various ways:  you may use it to show which items are included or being sung - or you could make a separate copy of the form for everyone who is involved ad use it to "tick" the particular items for each participant.
  • Choose suitable music, and write it into the "item" column.
  • Enter the key that each song will be played in, and any notes about it (eg number of verses, arrangement, soloist-only, etc).   - People other than musicians may use these columns in different ways - eg someone operating a slideshow may note how many slides for each part.

If some items don't apply for your service, either leave them blank, or delete them.

Copyright status

The form is covered by a Creative Commons licence that lets you to change it, and make as many copies as you want, for non-commercial purposes:  the only restriction is that you must not remove the copyright notice.

This means you are welcome to adapt this form for other types of service, and put your church's name or logo on it - so long as you leave the note in the bottom footer alone.

What does the form look like

See also

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  1. the files for the rite 2 template do not download - is the link broken?

    1. Apologies, the links were pointing to a feature in Sites that it not working any more. Now fixed.


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