Hymns about care of creation / conservation of the earth - for Creation Time

This is a list of English-language hymns and songs about creation and conservation / stewardship of the earth - suitable for  the season of Creation.

Most are free-to-use, ie public domain or copyright-free, meaning the words can be copied and sung to at least one tune with no concerns about copyright or performance licensing.  

It has been complied in honour of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (1 September). This event was introduced to the Catholic Church by Pope Francis in 2015, and it was already practised by the Orthodox Church. It
 "offers to individual believers and to the community a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in this vocation as custodians of creation, raising to God our thanks for the marvelous works that He has entrusted to our care, invoking his help for the protection of creation and his mercy for the sins committed against the world in which we live."
In the northern hemisphere, this complements the existing Harvest and Creation Time (1 September - 4 October) celebrations that occur around this time.

Hymns about creation vs care for creation

There are many hymns which thank and praise God for creation, and offer insights into the nature of God based on the wonders of the natural world. However most treat the natural world as something to be exploited. A few of the latter are included in the free-use list, because they are so well-known. But in general these list have hymns that focus on repentance for exploiting creation or developing respect and care for the earth. Because of this, the selection of hymns that are still copyright is larger than usual - these sentiments generally aren't included in older hymns.

See Hymns for Harvest Festival for suggestions that are specifically about giving thanks for the fruits of the earth.

Free-use hymns

All Creatures of our God and King

All Good Gifts (We plough the fields and scatter)

All Things Bright and Beautiful

As the Sun Doth Daily Rise


Dakota Hymn (Many and Great)

Fairest Lord Jesus (Beautiful Saviour)

For the Beauty of the Earth

I Sing the Mighty Power of God

Immortal, Invisible God only Wise

Joyful Joyful we Adore Thee

My Soul Thy Great Creator Praise

This Is My Father’s World - Babcock

With Wonder, Lord, we see your Works

Hymns that are or may still be copyright

Above the Moon Earth Rises - Troeger

All the Ends of the Earth - Dufford

Canticle of the Sun - Haugen

Come Rejoice Before your Maker - Baughen

Creation sings! Each plant and tree - Leckebusch

Day of Delight and Beauty Unbounded - Dufner

Earth and All Stars - Brokering

For the Beauty of the Earth - Pierpoint

For the Fruits of This Creation - Pratt-Green

For the Healing of the Nations - Kaan

God Folds the Mountains Out of Rock - Troeger

God has Given us the Earth - Sexton

God in his Love for us Lent us this Planet - Pratt Green

God Of The Poor (Beauty for brokenness)

God’s Will for Creation -  Bell

God's World - Couchman

Here I am Lord (I the Lord of sea and sky) - Schutte

In His Presence There Is Joy (Holy Ground) - Davis (P&W genre)

Laudato Sii - Lundy

Laudato Si’! Be Praised, O God - Manalo (ref)

Litany for the Earth - Bridge (ref)

Lord Bring the Day to Pass - Fraser

Lord of all Life and Power - Dudley-Smith

O God Creator of all Things - Gilette

O Lord all the World Belongs to You - Appleford

O Lord, our Lord, Throughout the Earth -  Bell

On Holy Ground - Pená

Sing Out Earth and Skies - Haugen

Song at the Centre (From the Corners of Creation) - Haugen

Tend the Ground - Curtis (about ...)

Thank You God for Water, Soil and Air - Wren

The Blue Green Hills of Earth - Oler

The God who set the Stars in Space -  Dudley-Smith and Hartig

The Works of the Lord are Created in Wisdom - Idle

The World Abounds with God’s Free Grace - Mehrtens

Think of a World Without any Flowers - Newport

This is Holy Ground - Beatty

The Works of the Lord Are Created in Wisdom - Idle

Touch the Earth Lightly - Murray

We Stand in Wonder of Creation - Alonso

When God made the Garden of Creation - Booth

When your Father made the World - Rose and Conlon

Where are the Voices for the Earth - Murray

See also ...

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the website & info: will be useful in the upcoming school year & pre-wedding jitters!


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