It does not include hymns about other topics which could be implied from the parable - just ones which relate directly to it or to very similar stories.
The list is grouped into two sections:
- Free-use (either copyright has expired, or the author has allowed them to be freely used)
- Still subject to copyright and so can only be used if you are covered by a copyright license.
Both children's and adults hymns / songs are included in each list - because except for the youngest of children, it is is difficult to draw a clear distinction between them.
About the Parable of the Wedding Feast
This story, also known as the parable of the Great Banquet, or the Parable of the Wedding of the King's Son or Parable of the Royal Wedding is told in:- Luke 14:16-24
- Matthew 22:1-14
In this parable Jesus says that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a king, who prepared a marriage feast for his son, and sent his servants to call people to feast, but they would not come. The king responded by inviting whoever he could find from the street to come instead, both bad and good. When the king saw the guests, he noted that one man wasn't wedding clothing, and he was ejected with the explanation "For many are called, but few chosen."
It is not the same as the parable of the wedding feast at Cana, in which Jesus turns water into wine.
Songs and hymns which may be freely used
All is Ready - CrosbyAll Things are Ready Come to the Feast - Gabriel
At the Lamb's High Feast we Sing
Comes Sinners to the Gospel Feast - Wesley
Come Ye Who are the Bidden Guests
Deck Thyself my Soul with Gladness
Have ye Heard the Invitation - Hoppe
How Rich are Thy Provisions Lord - Watts
Lord we Adore Thy Boundless Grace (verse 3) - Steele
My God and is Thy Table Spread
Sinners Obey the Gospel Word (verse 1) - Wesley
The Lamb's High Banquet
Thy Hand O Lord has Guided (verse 2)
Ye Sons of Men Come one and All
Ye Wretched Hungry Starving Poor
Hymns and songs which may still be copyright
A King Planned a Party - Gillette, tune THE ASHGROVE (author's website)A King Put on Feast - Grindal
Among us and Before us Lord - Bell
Come and Dine (Well, the Lord gave a party and invited the neighbours) - Ylvisaker
Come and Dine the Master Calleth - Widmeyer (public domain in the US but not in some countries)
Come the Banquet Hall is Ready - Hesla / Dexheimer-Pharris
Come to the Banquet the Table is Set - Clark / Thomerson
From all the Wind's Wide Quarters - Dudley-Smith
I Call you to my Father's House - Dufner
Parable of the Banquet - Johnston (video)
Shout for Joy the Lord has Let us Feast - Bell / Maule
The Wedding Banquet / I Cannot Come - Winter
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