This is a half-page (ie A5 size) booklet with the responses and prayers said by people attending aRoman Catholic Mass in the English language.
It is set out as four half-pages, two on each sheet of paper.
The welcome, penitential rite, Gloria readings are on the first page, the creeds, Eucharistic prayer and Our Father on the inside, and the Sign of peace, Communion prayers (including an Act of Spiritual Communion) and dismissal are on the back page.
The contents are mostly from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc, as distributed by the Irish Roman Catholic Bishops conference. These materials are freely distributed, to be used in line with the general provision to make these texts available for worship purposes.
Parts of the Mass which are different every day (eg the psalm, readings, antiphons, and hymns) are not included.
Parts of the Mass which are different every day (eg the psalm, readings, antiphons, and hymns) are not included.
- To download a file, click a link above. You’ll be taken to a page were can either print it or save a copy of it onto your own computer.
- This printable is for your own home, nursing home, chaplaincy, parish, school etc.
- If you’d like to share it with friends and associates, please give them the link to this post.
Using this Catholic Mass booklet
These pages are designed to be printed on one double-sized page, and folded in half to use as a booklet.The booklet should be printed duplex landscape onto one A4 / US Letter size page (flipping on the short edge) - or if your printer does not do this, you may need to print page one, and then feed in the same page to print page two on the back. Doing this allows the printout to be folded in half to make a one-sheet booklet, which is easy to hold and manage at home.
It was inspired by very-popular full-size printable Mass responses card - but is in a half-size to make it easier to handle. It also includes the most common Act of Spiritual Communion, which is regularly prayed by people watching and on-line Mass or listening to one on the radio.
Use the PDF version, if you want a file that prints exactly as it looks on screen . Or use the Microsoft Word version if you want to change the contents and / or pictures.
Items are numbered, to help you follow the flow and make the "front / back" vs "middle pages obvious.
Small pictures are used to reinforce what is happening at around that time during the Mass, and to keep the leaflets more visually engaging.
It was inspired by very-popular full-size printable Mass responses card - but is in a half-size to make it easier to handle. It also includes the most common Act of Spiritual Communion, which is regularly prayed by people watching and on-line Mass or listening to one on the radio.
Use the PDF version, if you want a file that prints exactly as it looks on screen . Or use the Microsoft Word version if you want to change the contents and / or pictures.
Items are numbered, to help you follow the flow and make the "front / back" vs "middle pages obvious.
Small pictures are used to reinforce what is happening at around that time during the Mass, and to keep the leaflets more visually engaging.
The prayers and responses included in this Mass card are:Front page
1 Greeting - the Lord be with you / and with your spirit2 Penitential Act Form A (The Confiteor) and Form B (Lord have mercy)
3 Gloria - full text, with the priest saying the first line
4 After first and second readings (The Word of the Lord / Thanks be to God)
5 Greeting the Gospel (Alleluia OR Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ), verse and response
6 Dialogue before the Gospel: the Lord be with you / and with your spirit / a reading from the holy Gospel according to ...
7 After the Gospel: The Gospel of the Lord / Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Inside left
8 The Creed - full text of both the Nicene Creed and the Apostles’ Creed
10 Preface Dialogue: The Lord be with you / And with your spirit / Lift up your hearts / etc
9 Invitation to Prayer:... Blessed are you, Lord God of ... / Blessed be God for ever
Inside right
11 Holy, Holy, Holy
12 Memorial Acclamation - the three option
13 Doxology / Amen: Through him, and with him ... etc / Amen
14 Our Father - full text
Back page
15 Sign of Peace: The peace of the Lord be with you always / And with your spirit / Peace be with you
16 Lamb of God .. full text
17 Invitation to Communion: Behold the Lamb of God ... Lord, I am not worthy ...
16 Lamb of God .. full text
17 Invitation to Communion: Behold the Lamb of God ... Lord, I am not worthy ...
18 Act of Spiritual Communion
19 Concluding Rites: The Lord be with you / And with your spirit.
19 Concluding Rites: The Lord be with you / And with your spirit.
These pictures show how the booklet pages look, in detail.
Thank you, it was very helpful.