Hymns about the Eucharist, based on the Bread of Life discourse

Image adapted from Wikipedia

This is a list of hymn suggestions which are about Jesus' teachings about himself as the "bread of life".  

Some are free-use, meaning that they can be freely used with no concerns about copyright (because they are in the public domain).   Others may still be copyright, depending on the laws in your country, so can only be used in some situations, with official copies.

Why a list of "Bread of life" hymns

Every three years, the year B lectionary gospel reading switches to St John (instead of Mark) for five weeks. In this time, it covers the whole of chapter six, which is known as the "Bread of Life discourse". The emphasis is different each week, but the general "bread of life" idea is constant.   This list aims to provide a wide selection of hymns which parish musicians can use to support this part of Ordinary Time.

Free-use hymn suggestions

Be Known to us in Breaking Bread - Montgomery

Bread of the World in Mercy Broken - Heber

Break Thou the Bread of Life / Break Now the Bread of Life - Lathbury

 I Myself am the Bread of Life - Cooney
The original is copyright. But see this website for alternative verses by the author, based on the texts for the other weeks - these can be freely used provided copyright is observed for the original and the music.

Living Water, Bread of Life (source)

O Bread of Life from Heaven 

Hymns that may still be copyright

Bread of Life, Truth Eternal - Stanley and Boyce

Come to the Banquet - Chepponis

Eat this Bread - Berthier

Gift of Finest Wheat - Westendorf 

I am the Bread of  Life - Angrisano / Booth (ref)

I am the Bread of Life - Konstant 

Look Beyond - Ducatte

O Bread of Life, You Called Your Friends - Gillette (ref)

One Love Released - Keil and Frenze

Spirit and Grace - Manalo

Take and Eat - Joncas / Quinn (ref)

See also ...

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