Most are free-to-use (ie public domain or copyright-free) meaning the words can be copied and sung to at least one tune with no concerns about copyright or performance licensing. Many such hymns are old/traditional - but where possible a variety of styles / genres are included. A small selection of hymns which are, or may be, still copyright are also included where they are a particularly good for for the theme(s).
Suggestions about hymns that could be included are welcome: leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.
First: 1 Samuel 15:34 - 16:13 - The LORD was sorry that he had made Saul king over Israel. He sends Samuel to as a prophet, to identify which is Jesse's sons shall become king: when he saw David, the Lord said, "Rise and anoint him; for this is the one." ... and the spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David.OR
Ezekiel 17:22-24 - Prophesy that the Lord will take a shoot from the highest branch of the cedar and plant it on the high mountain of Israel.
Psalm 91 - It is good to give you thanks O Lord / The just will flourish like the palm-tree / planted in the house of the Lord they will flourish.
Second: Corinthians 5:6-17 - Whether we are living in the body or exiled from it, we are intent on pleasing the Lord.
Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 - Jesus tells parables describing the Kingdom of heaven - the Parable of the Sower in which the kingdom is like the harvest, and the Parable of the a Mustard Seed.
Psalm 91 - It is good to give you thanks O Lord / The just will flourish like the palm-tree / planted in the house of the Lord they will flourish.
Second: Corinthians 5:6-17 - Whether we are living in the body or exiled from it, we are intent on pleasing the Lord.
Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 - Jesus tells parables describing the Kingdom of heaven - the Parable of the Sower in which the kingdom is like the harvest, and the Parable of the a Mustard Seed.
Free-use artwork
See lectionary art for this Sunday for suggested pictures and art-works based on today's readings.Themes
Jesus as the cedar of Lebanon. The Church, planted by God. Humble beginnings. Growth in the Kingdom. Co-operating with God's work - making our home in God. God at work expanding the Kingdom like a mighty tree, built on Jesus.Free-use hymns
- A Charge to keep I Have - Wesley
- Alas and Did my Savior Bleed - Watts
- All Creatures of our God and King
- All Good Gifts (We plough the fields and scatter) - We Thank Thee Then O Father
- All Who Believe and are Baptized
- Almighty God Thy Word is Cast - Cawood
- And Can it be that I Should Gain
- Blessed are the Pure in Heart
- Christ For the World we Sing - Wolcott
- Christ in You,the Hope of Glory - Wesley, trans from Gerhardt
- Close to Thee - Crosby
- Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
- Come ye Thankful People Come
Draw Me Nearer (I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice) - Crosby- Fairest Lord Jesus - Unknown
Footsteps of Jesus - Slade
- God Moves in a Mysterious Way
- God of Grace and God of Glory - Fosdick (1878-1969) - free-use in the USA
- God Will Take Care of You (Nunca Desmayes) - Martin
- Great is Thy Faithfulness - free-use in the USA
- Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer / Jehovah (Bread of Heaven)
- Hail to the Lord's Anointed
- Have Thine own way Lord
He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought - Gilmore
- I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
- I Love Thy Kingdom Lord - Dwight
- I Will Sing the Wondrous Story - Rowley (1854-1952)
- Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
- In the Garden (And He Walks with Me) - Miles (1868–1946)
- In Thee is Gladness - Winkworth, trans from Lindemann
- It is a Thing Most Wonderful
- Jesus Calls us O’er the Tumult - Alexander
- Just A Closer Walk With Thee - Unknown
- Light's Abode Celestial Salem - Neale (1818-1866)
- Love Divine all Loves Excelling
- Make me A Captive Lord - Matheson
- My God I Love Thee (My Eternal King) - St. Francis Xavier's Hymn of Love
- My Song is Love Unknown
- Now Thank we all our God
- O Come and Dwell in Me - Wesley
- O Master Let me Walk with Thee (You) - Gladden
- O Spirit of the Living God - Montgomery
- O Worship the King (all glorious above) - Grant
- On What has now been Sown - Newton (1725-1807)
- Onward Christian Soldiers
Open my Eyes that I May See - Scott
Proclaiming the Universal Savior (Let earth and heaven agree) - Wesley
- Rejoice the Lord is King!
- Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart - Plumbtree
- Saviour like a Shepherd Lead Us
Son of God Eternal Savior - Lowry
- Take my Life and Let it Be
- The Church's One Foundation
- The Day Thou Gavest Lord is Ended
This is my Father's World - Babcock (b. Syracuse, NY, 1858-1901)
- We Walk By Faith
- What a Friend we have in Jesus
- What Wondrous Love
- Where He Leads me I Will Follow - Blandly (1849-?)
Hymns that are or may be copyright
- Bring Forth the Kingdom (You are Salt for the earth) - Haugen
Christ, You Walked Among the Grain Fields - Gillette
- Faith While Trees are Still In Blossom - Kaan (1929-2009), trans from Frostenson
- Father we Thank Thee Who Hast Planted - Tucker (1895-1984)
For the Fruits of His Creation - Pratt Green (1903–2000)
- Gather Us In - Haugen
- Here am I Lord I’ve Come to do Your Will - Dukes
- Here I am Lord (Ithe Lord of Sea and Sky) - Schutte
- I am a New Creation
- In this Place Your Word is Planted - Dufner
- Lead On O Cloud of Presence - Ducl
- Let There be Peace on Earth - Jackson-Miller / Miller
Lord You Sometimes Speak in Wonders - Idle (b 1938)
Preach You the Word and Plant it Home - Franzmann (1907–1976)
- Sanctuary (Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary) - Scruggs / Thompson
- Seed Scattered and Sown
- Send Me Lord - Redman
- Song of the Mustard Seed - Hopson
- Sow the Word - Janco / Zavelli
- The Kingdom of God is Justice and Joy - Rees
- The Kingdom of God is Like a Grain of Mustard Seed - Grindal (b. 1943)
- The Trees of the Field (will clap their hands) - Rubin / Dauermann
- What Does the Lord Require - Bayly (1901-1984)
- What Shall We Say God’s Realm Is Like - Dalles
Would I Have Answered When You Called - Stuempfle (1923-2007)
- You are my All in All (You are my strength when I am weak)
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