The template does not include any specific elements (readings, hymns, prayers, communion, call-to-worship, etc), so can be used in any denomination or type of service.
The first page has sections for roles and event management functions that are often needed for church-services, including:
- Co-ordinator / organiser
- Building access
- Setting up
- Technical (Leaflets, Sound, Visuals, Lighting)
- Greeters / Ushering
- Fire / Health & Safety Warden
- Car-parking
- Childcare
- Readers
- Music (Director, musicians, singers)
- Hospitality / Refreshments
- Clean-up
The form is two pages long - one page for the supporting items, one for the service - so you can see everything at a glance. For larger services, you may need to extend this, or even make multi-page plans for specific elements.
The Church Service Planning Template - simple version only has the second page, and is more suitable when there are no extra features needed..
Download the form by clicking on the format you prefer (MS Word or PDF), and saving the file that opens onto your computer.
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