They are provided in line with ICEL's copyright policies, and should be used accordingly.
These slides have no formatting (colours, fonts, backgrounds), so you can include them into your regular PowerPoint files (see instructions for doing this in PowerPoint 2003 and 2007 and 2010/2013), and they will pick up your preferred formatting.
They have not been put into one file, because there are a number of alternatives for some parts. Instead:
- The standard PowerPoint Catholic Mass template has a "header slide" for each part of the Mass, and you can "include" the parts you need.
- The Mass planning form can be used to note which version your are using for each part of the Mass.
See PowerPoint slides of the ICEL-2010 Mass for slides with only the words.
Downloadable PowerPoint Slides
(Not all parts are available yet - others will be added as they are prepared.)The Lord be with you / And with your spirit
Penetential Act:
- Confiteor (I confess to almighy God ...)
- Have Mercy on us Lord
- You were sent to heal the contrite - Lord Have Mercy
Kyrie Eleison
Lord Have Mercy
Glory to God
The Lord be with you / And with your spirit
- Apostles Creed
- Nicean Creed
Preface dialogue
- Holy Holy (English)
- Sanctus (in Latin)
Mystery of Faith:
- We Proclaim Your Death
- When we Eat This Bread
- Save us, Saviour of the World - UK spelling
- Save us Savior of the World - US spelling
Doxology and Amen
Our Father
Our Father
- Our Father - including the priests' introduction
- Our Father - no introduction
Sign of Peace dialogue
Lamb of God
Pre Communion dialogue (Lord I am not worthy)
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