Hymns for the Baptism of the Lord, Year B - Revised Common Lectionary (7 Jan 2024)

This is a selection of hymns and song suggestions, based on themes from the Revised Common lectionary for the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, ie the 1st Sunday after Epiphany, Year A.

Most are free-to-use (ie public domain or copyright-free) meaning the words can be copied and sung to at least one tune with no concerns about copyright or performance licensing. Many such hymns are old/traditional - but where possible a variety of styles / genres are included. A small selection of hymns which are still copyright, but are a particularly good fit for the day's readings, are also included.

Suggestions about other free-to-use hymns that could be included are welcome: leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page. 


First: Genesis 1:1-5  - In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void ... God said, "Let there be light" ... And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

Psalm:29 - Ascribe to the Lord ...

Second:  Acts 19:1-7  - Paul where he found some disciples in Ephesus, who had only been baptized into John's baptism.  He taught them, so they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied.

Gospel: Mark 1:4-11 - John teaches that someone more powerful than him is coming.   Jesus is baptised, and when he comes out of the water the heavens open, the Spirt descends like a dove, and a voice says "You are my Son, the Beloved, my favour rests on you".


Jesus is publicly revealed as Son God.  Baptism, prophecy and the Holy Spirit.  Water.

Free-use hymns

All Creatures of our God and King
All People that on Earth do Dwell
All Things Bright and Beautiful
At the Name of Jesus Every Knee Shall Bow
Because Thou Hast Said - Wesley
Before the Ending of the Day - Neale
Blessed Assurance
Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning - Heber

Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies - Wesley
Come Down O Love Divine
Come Holy Ghost our Souls Inspire (And lighten with celestial fire) - Cosin
Come Let Us Use the Grace Divine - Wesley
Creator of the Starry Height - Neale

Eternal Father Strong to Save (The Navy Hymn)
Fairest Lord Jesus - Unknown
For the Beauty of the Earth
From God the Father Virgin-Born - Neale

Give to Our God Immortal Praise - Watts
God Is Love: Let Heaven Adore Him - Rees (1874-1939)
God Who Made the Earth - Rhodes
God, That Madest Earth and Heaven - Heber
God, whose Almighty Word - Marriott
Grace Greater Than Our Sin - Johnston
Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer / Jehovah (Bread of Heaven)

Hail to the Lord's Anointed
Hark a Herald Voice is Calling
Hark the Glad Sound the Saviour Comes - Doddridge
Holy Spirit Wind of Heaven - Garnaas-Holmes

I am not Worthy Holy Lord - Baker
I Bind Unto Myself Today - Alexander
I Sing the Mighty Power of God
I’ll Praise my Maker While I’ve Breath - Wesley / Watts
In the Name of Jesus - Unknown (probably free-use)

O Breath of Life Come Sweeping Through Us - Head
O God Our Help in Ages Past
O How I Love Jesus - Whitfield
O Love How Deep How Broad How High - Webb, trans from á Kempis
O Spirit of the Living God - Montgomery
O Thou Who Camest From Above - Wesley
O Worship the King (all glorious above) - Grant
Of the Glory of God in the Starry Heavens - Addison
On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry

Perfect Love - Gurney
See How Great A Flame Aspires - Wesley
Shall we Gather at theRiver
Songs of Praise the Angels Sing / Sang - Montgomery
Songs of Thankfulness and Praise (God in man made manifest) - Wordsworth
Spirit Divine Attend Our Prayers - Reed
Spirit of Faith Come Down - Wesley

Take Me to the Water - Unknown - traditional spiritual
The Leadings of the Spirit - Browne
The Lord Will Come and Not be Slow - Milton
The People that in Darkness Walked - Morison
This Day at Thy Creating Word - How
This is my Father's World - Babcock (b. Syracuse, NY, 1858-1901)

Wade in the Water - Unknown
We Thy People Praise Thee - Page (1873-1963)
What Shall we Offer Our Good Lord - Wesley, trans from Spangenberg

Hymns that are or may be still copyright

As Man and Woman we Were Made - Wren
At the Font we Start Our Journey - Rowthorn (b 1934)
Baptized in Water - Saward
Blessed be the God of Israel - Daw

Christ When for us You were Baptized - Tucker (1895-1984)
Come be Baptized - SMITH (b 1947)
Come Holy Spirit Maranatha - Bell (b. 1949)
Down by the Jordan - Gillette (ref)

First of the Week and Finest Day - Mowbray (b 1938)
For Moses’ Fiery Vision  - Spencer
God the Sculptor of the Mountains - Thornburg (b 1954)
God Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens - Cameron (1927-2019)

Holy Spirit Come Confirm Us - Brian Foley (1919-2000)
Holy Spirit Come to Us - Berthier (1923-1994)
Light Out of Darkness  - Hinton
Like the Murmur of the Dove's Song - Daw
O God Who Shaped Creation - Reid, Jr. (1923-2007)

Praise and Thanksgiving Be to God - Whiteley (1914-1998) / Yardley (1911-1990)
Spirit of God Unseen As the Wind - Old
Spirit of the Lord Come Down - White
Spirit Song (O Letthe Son of God Enfold You)
Spirit Working in Creation - Richards (b 1939)The River (To the river, I am going) - Doerksen
The Sinless one to Jordan Came - Timms
Thy Strong Word Didst Cleave the Darkness - Franzmann (1907-1976)

Wash Me Clean in That Cool River - Dawn
Wash O God our Sons and Daughters - Duck
Water Has Held Us - Postlethwaite (1925-1980)
We Were/Are Baptized in Christ Jesus - Ylvisaker (1937-2017)
When Jesus Came to Jordan
Wild and Lone the Prophet's Voice - Daw
Wind of God Dynamic Spirit - Saward (1932-2015)
Wind Who Makes All Winds That Blow - Troeger (1945-2022)
You Have Put On Christ - ICEL (1969)
You Wrote the Rhythm of Life (Teach me to dance to the beat of your heart) - Kendrick

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